John Morley, known as King, a well-known bounty hunter, cooperates with Inspector Gordon and Major Harrington to shed light on the arms trafficking that takes place on the border between the United States and Mexico. Two unscrupulous traffickers, the Benson brothers, after killing King’s brother, George, and raping his wife, Carol, manage to get a whole convoy of weapons across the border, in such a way that all suspicions converge on King himself. But King, after being arrested, is freed by Harrington. King succeeds in eliminating the Benson brothers, thus stopping the arms traffic, and revealing that the unsuspected Sheriff Foster is the leader of the smugglers.
Genre: western
Richard Harrison: John “King” Marley
Klaus Kinski: Bryan Foster
Anne Puskin: Carol
Johnny Silver: Ben Benson
Luis Bacalov soundtrack
His Name is King