Dagli Appennini alle Ande

Director Pino Passalacqua


Dagli Appennini alle Ande. Musiche di Luis Bacalov

A thirteen-year-old boy from Venice runs away from home to Argentina, in search of his mother who has been missing for years without a trace. Arriving in the foreign country, he makes a long and difficult journey, hindered by a false friend of his father, who is involved with the country’s dictatorship in the disappearance of the woman. Meeting by chance a woman resembling his mother, the boy follows her and arrives at a rehabilitation center for victims of the regime, followed by the man and then joined by his father. The woman is his mother and recognizes in the false friend one of his tormentors. The man, following the denunciation by the woman, will commit suicide, while the family can start a new life.

Genre: adventure – drama

Umberto Caglini: Marco Vigano
Giuliano Gemma: Vittorio Vigano, padre di Marco
María del Carmen San Martín: Beatriz, madre di Marco
Luis Brandoni: Antonio Godoy

Luis Bacalov soundtrack
